Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The CVG Podcast and Rhythm & Blues Revue - Episode #002: Gender Bending Rodriguez!

 Episode Two of The Chippewa Valley Geek Podcast and Rhythm & Blues Revue is complete and can be found here or on iTunes.

It's ladies night here at the Geek this month!  Join me as we discuss gender issues in geek culture, plot the immolation of an Oscar-winning film director, and take a trip north to tropical Duluth!

Contents include:
0:00:00:  Intro & Disclaimers
0:02:23:  The Up Front:  On Eowyn vs. the Witch-King
Featuring a hypothesis!  A reading!  And a bit of a tirade!  (sorry folks)
0:22:29:  Berserkon coverage & Interviews
Featuring creators!  Kickstarters!  Unlicensed psychological profiling!
My guests:
0:23:06  Andrew Goenner of Time Heroes, and more!
0:34:03  Joanna Gaskell of Standard Action, and more!
0:50:40  Trin Miller of The Gamers: Hands of Fate, and more!
1:04:23  Bill Cavalier, the Dungeon Bastard, period.
1:27:36  The Roundtable
Featuring deconstructed ponies!  Irrelevant questions!  Gender bent roleplaying!
2:10:43  The Community Calendar for June/Early July 2013!
2:17:45  The June Monthly Marathon Challenge!
2:19:03  Another Giveaway!
2:21:09  End Credits
2:22:42  Bonus Track! – “Babs' Boots (and Other Sordid Tales of the New 52)

To recap, my guests for this month's episode were:

Andrew Goenner
Joanna Gaskell
Trin Miller
Bill Cavalier

The Chippewa Valley Geek Players featured Lesley McKee as Eowyn, and Rone Barton as the Witch-King of Angmar.  Thanks guys!

And here below be some other helpful show notes and various worthwhile links to topics either discussed at length this month,  mentioned in passing, or mooned out the window as the podcast rocketed past...

Jackie Lee - MTG player

The Bechdel Test! 

Amanda Tapping

Girl Genius

The Savage World of My Little Pony!

Barbara Gordon in the New 52!

The background music played behind the reading from JRR Tolkien's The Return of the King was the Agnus Dei from the Requiem mass by Felix Draeseke, Op.22.  

Its use is governed by a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0 license, and you can find the original recording here:,_Op.22_(Draeseke,_Felix)#IMSLP282559