Sunday, April 12, 2020

What's Geekin Me Now: The Chippewa Valley Geek's Decade in Review - The 2010s - Ten Terrifying Years

Being deemed an "essential" worker in the midst of a global crisis really gives one cause to stop and think about all the things that are truly important and essential to us in this life.

So -- in an effort to avoid that shit as hard as possible -- I sat down instead and finally finished brainstorming my "best of" list for all the fun and frivolous shit we've enjoyed over the last ten years.

Enjoy the diversion and maybe treat yourself to something awesome!


1. Strand of Oaks – Eraserland (2019)

2. Hamilton - Original Cast Recording              (2015)


3. The Tragically HipNow For Plan A          (2012)

4. StarsNo One Is Lost (2014)


5. Joe PugMessenger     (2010)

Honorable Mention:  Quaker City Nighthawks   El Astronauta  (2014)


1.  Scott Pilgrim vs. The World          (2010)

2.  Much Ado About Nothing (2013)

3.  Logan (2017)

4.  Wonder Woman (2017)

5.  Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

Board Games

1.  Twilight Imperium – 4th Ed.  (2017)


2.  Gloomhaven (2017)


3.  Captain Sonar (2016)

4.  Scythe (2016)

5.  Codenames (2015)


1.  Dungeons & Dragons - 5th Ed. (2014)

2.  The One Ring     (2011)

3.  Star Trek Adventures     (2017)

4.  Legends of the Five Rings - 5th Ed.               (2018)

5.  Spirit of '77 (2015)


1.  True Detective - S1            (2014)

2.  Twin Peaks:  The Return               (2017)

3.  Chernobyl           (2019)

4.  Game of Thrones             (2011-2019)

5.  Gravity Falls        (2012-2016)

Honorable Mention:  Over The Garden Wall  (2014)

Comics / Trades / Graphic Novels

1.  Tale of Sand   (2011)

2.  Wonder Woman (Azzarello / Chiang)   (2011 - 2014)

3.  Saga   (2012 -)


Sticking with it?
Hrm.  I'll give this decade one more issue to grab me, but then I'm probably done.

1 comment:

  1. I would add The Preacher and Y The Last Man to the list of comics/graphic novels.
    Honorable mention to Global Frequency.
